I can't say I understand the whole finding werewolves sexy thing, (dogs/dog-like behavior = sexy... not for me) but I can say that this nation wide bestseller does offer some fun, page-turning paranormal romance that the tweens drooling over Taylor Lautner will enjoy. Or already have enjoyed, since it's been on the NYT bestseller for ages now. Human Grace and werewolf Sam fall in love, share tense moments, etc, etc.
What I much preferred about this novel was that, unlike Bella and Edward, Grace and Sam do not get tunnel vision for one another. Their friends and families still matter, and have a profound effect on the plot. So rather than spending 400+ pages trapped inside a hormonal, one track mind, Grace and Sam both keep hold of the lives they had before they had one another. Oh yeah, there's also way less sexual guilt, and no creepy Rosemary's Baby birthing scene. Of course, that could still be coming, since Shiver's follow-up, Linger, comes out this summer.
It's not my favorite book I've read this year, but I did tear through it like I was getting paid to read it. Which I wasn't. So if you're looking for a gift for that 13 year old with a Team Jacob tee shirt on, or just looking to fill the supernatural romance void for yourself, give Shiver a go.
I liked, not loved, this too. The werewolf thing was a bit easier to take in this one considering that Grace is somewhat wolf-y herself. They also seemed like real-ish teens. I'm a little over the whole Romeo & Juliet model for teen romance (can we puh-leeze get that play banned from high school curriculums?) but making it an actual life-or-death situation made the urgency more believable.
ReplyDeleteIf we could just settle for banning the edition of R&J that's been twilighted, then I'd be satisfied.